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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Winston Thomas, Marketing Manager
Home Healthcare For The New Year
Human Touch Health

Home Healthcare For The New Year

New Years is here and a great way to ring it in would be to coordinate with your primary care physician and get the home healthcare you or your loved one needs.

Why Home Care?

There are several reasons to choose home healthcare over institutional or hospital care. The main reasons are cost and personalized services available to the patient. When it comes to reducing pain and getting needed care, regardless of age or situation, there is no place like home to receive the care conducive to a safe and healthy recovery. In the comfort of home, recovery is facilitated in a familiar environment and with the closeness of friends and family.

Home healthcare services include skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapies, home health aides and other services. These services are provided at little to no cost to the patient and require a doctor's order to initiate home care.

Access and Take Advantage

Most people think that home healthcare services are only available to seniors. Although the older population utilizes a majority of the home health services rendered, younger patients can benefit equally in the use of homecare.

Check with your human resources department or insurance administrator to find out if homecare is covered through your insurance policy. Be sure to know what is and is not covered as well as any limits on dollar amount or services.

Happy New Year.

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