Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Are You A Professional Dieter?

Do you often feel that you are, truly, a professional dieter? You have tried all the fad diets, or maybe even the diet pills. You've… Continue Reading

Tai Ch'i Anyone?

If you're looking for another way to reduce stress, consider tai ch'i. Tai ch'i is sometimes described as “meditation in motion” because it promotes serenity… Continue Reading

Follicular Lymphoma (Grade 1 and 2)

Follicular Lymphoma, grade one and two, is a slow growing type of non Hodgkin's lymphoma that has a long natural history regardless of treatment. Low… Continue Reading

Oral Cancer Rates On the Rise

The death rate for oral cancer exceeds most known cancers, killing one person, per hour, per day. Dentists are seeing an alarming increase in the… Continue Reading

New Advances In Gynecologic Surgery

Years ago, women did not have the option of minimally invasive surgery which offers many advantages over the traditional open surgery. Undergoing gynecologic surgery meant… Continue Reading

The Importance Of Dental Health In Wellness

Dental health is an important part of your overall health and wellness. Did you know that gingivitis and other forms of inflammation have been linked… Continue Reading

How Does Chiropractic Work?

Spinal adjustments to correct subluxations are what make doctors of chiropractic unique in comparison with any other type of health care professionals. The term “adjustment”… Continue Reading

Look, Ma, No Cavities

The slogan “Look, Ma, no cavities” has become reality for many children today. The number of children who have cavities has decreased steadily in the… Continue Reading

Sleep Deprivation

Maybe your sleeping partner says your snoring sounds like a 747 landing in the next room; maybe you just don't wake up refreshed after what… Continue Reading

When It Comes To Protecting Your Family's Health

Stay healthy, look great, relieve pain, and sleep better. These are all very important aspects of life, for everyone in the family. So, where should… Continue Reading

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