Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Laser Assisted Gum Disease Treatment No Cutting, Easy Healing, No Fear

Why consider laser assisted gum disease treatment? If you have been told by your dentist that you need gum surgery or scaling and root planning,… Continue Reading

Dentures What Are They and Who Needs Them?

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and the tissues connected to those teeth. It is made of acrylic plastic and sometimes porcelain… Continue Reading

Immediate Dental Implants

Over the past 20 years, dental implants have allowed dentists to replace missing teeth and teeth that have been compromised by disease or trauma. You… Continue Reading

Research Confirms Massage Benefits

It's reassuring to a veteran massage practitioner, and massage therapy clients alike to see the benefits of massage so often touted in the popular press… Continue Reading

Dentists May Notice Signs Of Osteoporosis First

Did you know your dentist may be the first health professional to suspect that you have osteoporosis and refer you to a physician to confirm… Continue Reading

Your Gums and Your Smile

A smile is one of the most universally recognizable expressions. Smiling can demonstrate a person's happiness, confidence, attractiveness, sociability, and sincerity. However, the effects of… Continue Reading

A New Neuromuscular Paradigm In Dentistry

Have you ever wished there was a non-surgical solution that made your recessed jaw more prominent? Are you looking for an option to replace your… Continue Reading

Why Do I Need a Bridge?

A bridge is a dental restoration that fills the space where one or more teeth are missing. The bridge restores your bite and helps keep… Continue Reading

Chiropractic and Weight

Do you have a fat stomach? If so, more than likely you have moderate to severe back pain. Your spine is designed to carry the… Continue Reading

Health Tips From Dr. DeMaio

Tune Out Have you noticed changes in your children's personalities increased irritability, impatience or hostility? Or have you seen these issues in yourself? Consider the… Continue Reading

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