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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Avram Weinberg, DC
Are You A Professional Dieter?
Better Health Medical Center

Are You A Professional Dieter?

Do you often feel that you are, truly, a professional dieter? You have tried all the fad diets, or maybe even the diet pills. You've achieved some results, but those results did not last.

Many different sources indicate that at any given time over 50% of Americans are on a diet. It is estimated that in 2006 the dieting industry earned over $55 billion.

Have you ever thought that being overweight or unable to lose the weight you want to lose is just who you are, that you are destined to be overweight? Or have you just thought that it is just your slow metabolism? Maybe, it is in your genes? Well, there may be some truth to those thoughts, but it does not have to continue to keep you from reaching the goals you have to reach a healthy weight. It is possible that you may be suffering from an undiagnosed thyroid disorder, food intolerance or sensitivity, undiagnosed diabetes, or some other condition.

There are different blood tests that can be analyzed in order to determine exactly what is going on with your possible thyroid and metabolic dysfunction. Most doctors just use the same old blood test and never bother checking beyond it. Using the most up-to-date clinical and laboratory testing a comprehensive program can be created that's specific to each patient's needs.

I know what you are thinking… “I've had my blood work done, and it was normal”. Then ask yourself this question “If my blood work was normal, then why do I still feel this way?” Maybe your blood work wasn't normal after all.

Life is way too short to continue to suffer needlessly. It doesn't matter if you've been tormented for weeks, months, or years because the sooner you start losing weight, the sooner you can start to feel like your old self again.?There's a better world available to you. It's something you've probably wanted for a long time. It's the long hoped-for reality of your dreams coming true and the weight-loss roller coaster nightmare ending forever.

Contact a doctor that is able to diagnose your metabolic disorder with the latest neurological and comprehensive metabolic testing, and one that uses some of the most up-to-date protocols to get to the cause of your condition.
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