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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
A New Neuromuscular Paradigm In Dentistry

A New Neuromuscular Paradigm In Dentistry

Have you ever wished there was a non-surgical solution that made your recessed jaw more prominent? Are you looking for an option to replace your CPAP machine with a better, more convenient resolution? Does your bed partner wish you would stop snoring? Are you frustrated by feeling that your bite is off or that your tongue has no room in your mouth? Are you plagued with head, neck, jaw joint, and or body pains that are unresolved?

You probably never thought to go to your general dentist to resolve these problems. In a neuromuscular dental practice, these issues are commonly dealt with. For many, with the aid of advanced 3D technology and muscle relaxation therapy, these structural anomalies are easily recognized and treated with non-surgical techniques. In the past, from a patient's perspective, a general dentist's role encompassed taking care of tooth aches, having your teeth cleaned, flossing and brushing, fighting cavities, and having the occasional crown placed.

When the dentist is trained in a medical model of care, they work hand-in-hand with your medical doctors and therapists to help to correct the structural issues that affect your breathing disorders, evaluate and treat developmental anomalies of your children, and help adults create a more youthful and healthy appearance of the lower 1/3 of their face. In addition, they can evaluate your smile and create the most lifelike porcelain that would fool the most discerning eye.

A neuromuscular dentist has gone through extensive aesthetic training and realigns your face and jaw line and, just like a sculptor, uses mathematical principles of the golden proportion to design a smile that lights up the room. The cosmetic considerations are tremendous. Creating life-like characterizations and proper anatomical tooth formation is paramount to achieve exceptional aesthetic results.

Your dental experience is one that now truly changes your life in so many ways. This new perspective and level of diagnosis can literally add 15 to 20 years onto your life expectancy. It can make you more dentally confident. It can help you function better with enhanced neural and skeletal communication that assists in overall balance and body and brain communication. This helps balance the hormonal functions through better sleep architecture. This medical approach to dentistry is the new paradigm that is able to focus and customize treatment protocols that are tailor made for you.

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