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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
John V. DeMaio, DC, CCN
Health Tips From Dr. DeMaio
DeMaio Family Chiropractic

Health Tips From Dr. DeMaio

Tune Out

Have you noticed changes in your children's personalities increased irritability, impatience or hostility? Or have you seen these issues in yourself?

Consider the amount of time you and your family spend ingesting media output television, radio and printed materials. Why not try a radical concept that's gaining popularity go media-free for a month.

It's now an established fact that TV watching leads to poor dietary habits, inactivity (and all the resulting health effects), and a host of behavior ills, including a greater likelihood of teenage viewers starting to smoke. Yet even the other forms of media can cause stress and anxiety.

Your kids will tell you they're bored at first, but boredom passes quickly and usually turns into creativity. Soon you'll find your family taking hikes, playing games and even engaging in conversation.
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