Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Cap My Front Tooth? Never

“I would never allow the dentist to put a cap (crown) on my front tooth. Never!” This sentiment has been echoed by many of our… Continue Reading

Be Kissable Is Bad Breath Ruining Your Love Life?

Bad breath is the bane of many people's lives. Often you don't even know you have it because you can't smell your own breath. That's… Continue Reading

Throw Away the Mouth Guard

Relief From Teeth Grinding, TMJ Disorders, Jaw Pain, Neck and Back Pain When the foundation of the house is crooked, so is every doorway, floor… Continue Reading

Women, Breathing, Sleep Apnea, Menopause, Posture and More, Part I

Part One of Three The body design priority is for survival. We address this in cardiopulmonary resuscitation referred to as CPR when we sequence our… Continue Reading

The Silent Killer 2

Surprising but true, the major cause of tooth loss in adults is not decay its periodontal (gum) disease a very serious, even deadly condition, which… Continue Reading

Gum Disease Linked To Heart Illness

The most common strain of bacteria in dental plaque can cause blood clots that induce heart attacks when they escape into the bloodstream, according to… Continue Reading

The Silent Disease

Your mouth is, in many ways, the “gateway” to the rest of the body. However, this connection is often overlooked. In the U.S., the fields… Continue Reading

Resolution Preventing Cavities

People go to the dental office primarily to have cavities filled. In this article I would like to address another approach, prevention. It is amazing… Continue Reading

No More Excuses – Resolve To Go To the Dentist Today

We know all the reasons we should go to the dentist to keep our teeth and gums healthy, to keep our smile attractive, to catch… Continue Reading

From Normal Breathing To Snoring To Sleep Apnea

Sleep related breathing disorders form a continuum ranging from benign snoring and upper airway resistance syndrome, to severe obstructive sleep apnea. Apnea is defined as… Continue Reading

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