Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Eating Habits That Can Harm Teeth

Many parents across the country will issue a common refrain at dinnertime tonight “Youd better eat thatits good for you!” Theres another old favorite in… Continue Reading

Perfect Your Smile the Painless Way

Despite the many improvements over the years to make dentistry less stressful and less painful, the word dentist still stirs up memories of noisy drills… Continue Reading

Aligning Teeth For a Gorgeous Smile

Malocclusion is the dental term for teeth that dont fit together properly; literally, malocclusion means “bad bite.” Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects… Continue Reading

What Is Halitosis?

Halitosis simply means bad breath, a problem that many people experience at one time or another. It is estimated that 40% of the population suffers… Continue Reading

Orthodontics and Your Child

Because orthodontists can detect subtle problems with jaw growth or teeth while a child still has primary (baby) teeth present, the American Association of Orthodontists… Continue Reading

Whiter Teeth and a Brighter Smile

Wouldnt you like a brighter smile? Having whiter teeth can give you not only a brighter smile, but more confidence too. Whiter teeth can be… Continue Reading

Protecting Your Dental Investment

Porcelain veneers or laminates are used to cosmetically enhance the appearance of front teeth. These thin porcelain shells are bonded to the surfaces of the… Continue Reading

Tooth Care For Your Infant

As soon as your child gets his first teeth, you should begin cleaning them after feedings with a moist gauze pad or washcloth. When your… Continue Reading

Treating Halitosis

Halitosis is a general term used to describe unpleasant or offensive mouth odor. It has been found that although there are several non-oral sites that… Continue Reading

Early Signs of Orthodontic Issues

Because orthodontists can detect subtle problems with jaw growth or teeth while a child still has primary (baby) teeth present, the American Association of Orthodontists… Continue Reading

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