Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Vision & Impaired Oral Function, Part 1

Part One of a Two Part Series There is robust literature and practical experience related to the benefits of healthful breathing. I have discussed the… Continue Reading

Enhancing Smiles, Changing Lives

It comes as no surprise that many people go to great lengths to maintain their youthful appearance. They work out daily, stay on a healthy… Continue Reading

Treating Bite Problems Using the Advanced Lightwire Funtional (ALF) Appliance

The Advanced Lightwire Functional (ALF) appliance can play a significant role in the proper development of the upper and lower jawbones in children as well… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea and Related Breathing Disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea, usually characterized by severe snoring is now recognized as a life threatening disorder associated with higher rates of stroke and heart attack… Continue Reading

Secret To Look Younger and Feel Your Best

You are in a restaurant, glancing over the menu, sipping your drink, when you feel it a smile. You know right away that this isnt… Continue Reading

Hate Your Dull, Yellow Teeth?

Your teeth are one of the first features people notice. Healthy, youthful skin, nice hair, and stylish, attractive clothing dont mean a thing if you… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea Management and Oral Systemic Balance

One effect of sleep apnea is reduction of restful sleep. In other words we are logging in the sleep time but not getting our beauty… Continue Reading

TMJ Surgery Versus the Alternative Lightwire Functional Appliance

Individuals who have been diagnosed with a Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder usually also suffer from other symptoms such as fibromyalgia, facial pain, neck, and shoulder… Continue Reading

Women, Breathing, Sleep Apnea, Menopause, Posture and More, Part 2

Part Two of Three During the menopause period we see posture changes in women involving an increase in curvature of the lower neck and upper… Continue Reading

Dry Mouth

Reduced saliva flow that results in a dry mouth is a common problem among older adults. It is caused by certain medical disorders and is… Continue Reading

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