Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

Two-thirds of Americans are overweight. In most cases of significant weight gain, high blood pressure, adult on-set diabetes and other chronic illness will result. Different… Continue Reading

Marcia B. Levi, DC

Winning the Battle Against Cancer

It's the one diagnosis you never want to hear escape through your doctor's lips. In fact, the very word, “cancer,” conjures up feelings of fear,… Continue Reading

Tooth Loss and Options For Replacement

Tooth loss, or edentulism, is when one or more teeth fall out or are extracted due to injury or disease such as mouth trauma, tooth… Continue Reading

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a main contributor to lower extremity injuries and persistent running musculoskeletal problems. Typical signs and symptoms are unilateral pain, dull in… Continue Reading

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

We have all been on a diet at sometime in our life. We deprive and discipline ourselves for days, weeks and even months to achieve… Continue Reading

Does Your Self-Image Need a Makeover?

Many of us are unnecessarily limited by what we think of ourselves. We've kept ourselves in the boxes we were put into a long time… Continue Reading

Oral Care for Cancer Patients

Patients who undergo cancer treatment are sometimes unaware that it can affect the teeth, gums, salivary glands and other oral tissues. In some cases, patients… Continue Reading

Preparing For The Flu Season

Part 1 As the flu season approaches, especially this year with predictions that it may be wide-spread, it is wise to do everything in ones… Continue Reading

Asset Protection In Estate Planning

Common asset protection strategies to be considered in developing your estate plan 1. Consider asset protection in funding the trust. Some states allow property to… Continue Reading

Body Contouring and Weight Loss

The battle over the bulge is being won slowly by thoughtful and health conscious men and women. Both men and women are becoming more aware… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130