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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Ayman R. Hakki, MD
Face Accentuation
. https://www.luxxery.com/

Face Accentuation

Youthfulness is just that youth-full-ness. When we are young our central face is full and our peripheral (side) face is thin and taught. As we age we lose this mid-face prominence and our sides start to sag. Pulling may look good to the lay person (and some surgeons) in front of the mirror, but it makes the mid-face look gaunt. That is why most face lifts help the sagging but end up making the face look odd. Today, we can begin with filling, add suction then a light peel and last, but not least, do a neck lift. Fill first and tuck last is preferred.
Many, if not all, rejuvenation experts are using artificial fillers. The problem with this new craze of facial-wrinkle-fillers is that they are either temporary and therefore useless, or synthetic and potentially disfiguring. Restolin, artichol, hyaluronic acid, gortex strands and collagen, all fall in to this category of allo-dermic (not of ones body) fills. They are of some use but are not the solution. The solution is face accentuation, a new approach to rejuvenation that is neither synthetic nor disfiguring.
The reason these synthetic fillers are becoming so popular is that they are relatively simple to use, and one seems to quickly recover from the injection. Face lifts, peels, lasers and even fat-fills are more expensive, require more expertise, and take longer to recover from. Face accentuation is a procedure to enhance underlying facial youth by selective-mid-facial-filling, surrounding-facial-thinning, and only when necessary, lift.
Autogenous (of ones body) facial filling has been advocated by many facial rejuvenation experts. Cosmetic surgery and dermatology pioneers like Bahman Teimourian, Zein Obagi, John W. Little III, and Sydney Coleman, each invented one aspect or the other, of facial accentuation. None integrated these concepts in to a universally applicable procedure that is as simple quick and easy.
Suction-lipectomy was invented by Dr. Teimourian, who in 1985 was injecting the fatty product of suction in the face. Obagi in 1995 pioneered the use of peels to tighten the skin. Coleman in 1997 refined face-fat-filling and trademarked this method as lipostructure. Little in 1998 invented permanent central facial augmentation which requires extremely skilled surgical manipulation. He then coupled it with lifting and called it facial sculpture.
Face accentuation borrows from these and other surgical advancements, but it differs from them all in that it makes the case for the sequential use of face central augmentation, and peripheral facial and neck reduction and lifting when the first two methods (with or without peels) are insufficient in achieving skin tightening. This sequential procedure, applied to many patients now and over many years, simply works, and lasts.
To understand the need for a new procedure one must realize that lifting makes the face look gaunt, suctioning makes the face look empty, and filling makes the face look puffy. What distinguishes face accentuation is how it sequentially fills the center of the face, reduces the surrounding fat, and trims the excess skin only when peeling is not enough. Its a totally new way to enhance, not detract from, the beauty of ones face.

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