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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Lisa Thorne, Holistic Wellness Coach
Ready for Change? Create Your New Path in Three Months!
. https://www.lisathorne.me/

Ready for Change? Create Your New Path in Three Months!

Ready for Change? Create Your New Path in Three Months!

We humans are always wanting something more. It’s pretty universal, that innate desire for the next good thing. There is nothing wrong with “wanting more”, and in fact, it’s what keeps us motivated to continue on life’s journey.

But, when we want something—maybe more money, a career change, a new relationship— or maybe something we can’t even name — to feel different, to have more peace or happiness—but we don’t know how or can’t seem to find our way to making change, we can feel really stuck in a rut.

Feeling “stuck” is a common experience describing feeling frustrated, unmotivated, or unfulfilled. Acknowledging that if you have the desire to change, you also have the power to break free and embark on a journey toward a life of happiness and fulfillment.

Life coaching is a great way to have an accountability partner as well as someone who likely has tools and tips for breaking through barriers that could be holding you back, to ultimately help you get “unstuck”.

Many tangible/identifiable goals can be accomplished in as little as three months. Think of it like going to the gym – if you have a very specific goal of gaining muscle or increasing your endurance, dedicating yourself to a gym routine will result in significant changes heading you on the path to your ultimate goals in as little as 90 days.

It doesn’t mean that you have to stop going to the gym or working with a coach once you meet the first initial goals or see some positive change. Many people discover that as their lives begin to take the shape of their desires, that continuing on the journey with a coach keeps them very motivated, much like sticking with a gym routine that is working.

Here are some strategies that can be used to get unstuck and achieve a life of great joy:

Practice Authentic Self-Care: Taking care of not only your physical body, but your emotional and mental well-being is crucial. Understand that you are ultimately seeking ways to feel better with your choices. To make the best choices for your optimal well-being, ensure that you are getting adequate rest, eating well, and finding downtime from life’s demands. Learning mindfulness techniques to reduce and manage stress and anxiety can be wonderful tools to use as part of a routine, or during the day when stress or anxiety heightens.

Being Self Aware: Examine what current practices and habits you currently have, and reflect on whether they are true to who you are today. Often we develop habits based on someone’s recommendation or old, out-dated beliefs. As we as individuals grow and change, so too do our needs for fulfillment. Define what happiness, purpose, and fulfillment mean to you, and look honestly at what achievable goals would help them manifest. Are your current practices and habits in keeping with your ideal vision of what you desire for your life?

Embrace Change: Though it often feels scary, remember that change is necessary for personal growth. Rather than feeling like a threatening unknown, learn to see change as a sign of expansion and an opportunity that can lead to new and wonderful experiences.

Seek Support from Others: You do not have to navigate your journey alone! Share your feelings and concerns, your hopes and desires, with friends and family you trust. Connect with a therapist or coach who can provide different perspectives and emotional support. Seek out like-minded people (in real life or virtually) who inspire and motivate you, and who serve as examples of what you are striving for.

Remember that life is a continual learning process. As you embrace new knowledge and skills, accept that sometimes old habits and beliefs will still show up, but that does not mean you have “failed”. Developing resilience as the inevitable, normal, expected setbacks occur is a crucial step to truly becoming unstuck and achieving the life of your dreams.

Everyone’s path to happiness, joy, and fulfillment is unique, so be kind to yourself as you find your unique way. Embrace change, seek support, and prioritize self-care to unlock your full potential and create the life you desire.

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