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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Empowered Connections, LLC
The Challenges of Being an LGBTQ+ Parent

The Challenges of Being an LGBTQ+ Parent

The Challenges of Being an LGBTQ+ Parent

If your child identifies as LGBTQ+, things will likely play out differently for them than you might have expected. In a society teeming with division and strife, you may worry for your LGBTQ+ child. That’s okay, as long as you don’t allow such fears to limit all your child can be.

A Few Reasons Why Being An LGBTQIA+ Parent Is Challenging

1. Concerns Related to School – At home, you can be an active, positive presence. But when your child goes to school, they have to rely on their own resources. Like all students, they have academics, athletics, and a social life to tend to. However, an LGBTQ+ student may face situations that others don’t have to prepare for. As their parents, you’ll want to:

  • Keep an eye out for signs of bullying
  • Stay in contact with their teachers and administrators 
  • Remain aware of changes in your child’s life, e.g., declining grades, social withdrawal, or suddenly moving with a new crowd
  • Advocate for the school to be inclusive and preemptive 
  • Find a healthy balance of being involved but giving your child room to grow, learn, and develop important skills

2. The Influence of Social Media – For an LGBTQ+ child, the internet can sometimes be the only place they find acceptance. At the same time, social media is overrun with risky disinformation and peer pressure. It’s vital that a young person can formulate their own opinions and perspectives without being either bullied or unduly influenced to live a certain way.

3. Coming Out – You can offer advice if that input is requested. Otherwise, it’s up to your child if and when they opt to come out. Young people are vulnerable to behaving in a way that increases their social credit. So, all you can do is be available to talk and available to offer support when needed. 

LGBTQ+ or not, your child will find solace in knowing they can talk to you. This is a fluid process, so it’s best to demonstrate your openness in small ways every single day. Don’t pry but learn how to read their signals. Sometimes, the ideal way to start a tough conversation is by initiating it as a reference to something in the headlines.

The Role of Therapy

If your child comes out to you, it will probably require an adjustment period for all involved. Such a time is ideal to connect with a therapist who understands what you’re going through. Your weekly sessions are where you can work through your emotions and develop new skills.
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