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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Linda Penkala, Author, LMT
Take 5 To Thrive! Through the Holidays and Beyond
Optimum Health For Life
. http://www.lindapenkala.com/

Take 5 To Thrive! Through the Holidays and Beyond

Take 5 To Thrive! <strong>Through the Holidays and Beyond</strong>

There are Take 5 oils changes, car washes and candy bars that you can experience in your life. But it is the precious intentional 5 minutes that can offer the best for your health if you know just what to do! These coming months of the holidays, family gatherings, and the New Year, all come with a host of added stress and pressure.

What I have felt as a massage therapist over 36 years, is that the palatable effects of holiday stress, is stored in the muscles, and affect the mental state. This consistency requires us all to have a more comprehensive tool box to relax, de-stress, and handle impending situations, with grace, ease and a peace. It is POSSIBLE, as I have taught these techniques with awesome results! The Take 5 to thrive – is the easiest, so they do not become overwhelming! Adjusting them for more time when the 5 minutes fly by can be the beginning of your new wellness path!


1. Breath Work:

  • 3-5-8 inhale 3, hold 5, exhale thru pursed lips for 8.
  • Stim Vn breathing (engaging the Vagus nerve) into the belly first, then lungs, exhaling AHHH or HMMM, at least 5 times.
  • Alternate nostril breathing for focus, calm and to enhance mental clarity https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/alternate-nostril-breathing#definition
  • Box Breathing taught to the Navy Seals in their training to relieve stress and anxiety along with mental balance. Inhale 4 deeply, pause 4, exhale deeply through the mouth 4, pause 4.

2. Take $5 buck – to the Five Below store and buy 2 yoga blocks, and come home and do the supported fish pose in this 5-minute video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6cSG0ebhkI     Another yoga moment to find peace, and lessen anxiety, get on the floor or yoga mat, and do legs up the wall pose:  https://health.clevelandclinic.org/benefits-of-legs-up-the-wall/

3. Go outside – for at least a 5-minute walk, if not longer, to see nature, get some sun if you can, de-stress without a phone, and do some breathing techniques

4. Meditate in the AM – begin the day in a quiet, peaceful space and focus on your breath and if faith filled, in the presence of God

5. Gratitude Journal – end the day with 3 moments from your day to be grateful for, and enter them in your journal

6. EFT Tapping – a profound way to de- stress and find calm and peace with your fingertips. www.thetappingsolution.com.

7. Ask for help – don’t try to do it all alone, and delegate!

Sharing these simple tools with family, friends, and colleagues will offer hope and sanity daily today and into the New Year! So, TAKE 5 to THRIVE!

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130