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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Lisa Thorne, Holistic Wellness Coach
Got IBS?  Dreading the Holidays? You Don’t Have To!
. https://www.lisathorne.me/

Got IBS?  Dreading the Holidays? You Don’t Have To!

Got IBS?  Dreading the Holidays? You Don’t Have To!

If you are someone or know someone whose Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms are causing anxiety during the holiday season, keep reading; there is hope! 

The Role of Stress and Mindset

First,  identifying what to eat for IBS is only a small portion of what may be impacting the digestive process. Understanding that the symptoms are not “all in our head”, but can be exacerbated by our stress levels, is critically  important.  This does not in any way mean that people with IBS are the cause of their symptoms. It means that IBS sufferers can learn to have control over the vicious cycle of “worry about symptoms causing symptoms, and actual symptoms causing worry”. Developing techniques to quell the cycle can go a long way in finding the ease from the physical symptoms that can seem out of our control. 

How to Eat for IBS

Secondly,  learning about not only what to eat (soluble fiber first!), but how much, when, what order, and even what temperature are excellent tools for moderating and even conquering the symptoms of IBS. 

Planning for Holidays Meals and Social Events

The best way to navigate the holidays and the social outings that usually involve food begins with preparing well in advance of the event: 

  • Recognize that food is only a very small portion of managing and overcoming IBS
  • Make time for downtime and rest
  • Prioritize your self-care
  • Connect with nature to find peace and solace
  • Learn about the gut reflex and the foods that have the lowest index 

On the day of the get-together: 

  • Eat soluble fiber first.  
  • Be sure you are well-rested.
  • If possible, have an event buddy to lean on, even if it is someone to text. 
  • Choose loose fitting clothes!

Consider that IBS symptoms can worsen over time, so the sooner action is taken to address all the key components, the sooner healing can begin!  And, the sooner committed, focused action is taken, the less time it typically takes to recover. It is never too late to begin! The road to wellness begins with one step.

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