Ron Klein, MCS
1110 Fidler Lane
Suite #1218
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2004), using measured heights and weights, indicate that an estimated 66% of U.S. adults are overweight.
For people who are struggling with weight loss, hypnosis can provide extra motivation to keep moving in the direction of weight goals, and to break away from the many food traps that get in the way of weight loss.
Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for re-educating the unconscious mind – the part that creates cravings and impulses – but can also be harnessed to keep people making the right choices about what they eat, and the amount of healthy exercise they need to do on a regular basis. Permanent weight loss occurs with a change in lifestyle, not through unnatural diets that are impossible to maintain.
Hypnosis can help everyone who wants to make the above changes quickly, and more easily than they ever imagined possible. According to Karen Olness, M.D., Professor at Case Western School of Medicine, “hypnosis works by harnessing your imagination.”
In one clinical study, researchers put 109 overweight individuals on a medically supervised weight-loss program. Some of the folks used hypnosis and others did not.
After about nine weeks, both these focus groups had lost the same amount of weight. But, here’s the part that should be of most interest to people wanting to lose weight and keep it off. At eight month and two-year intervals, the participants who received hypnosis had lost additional weight or maintained their weight better than those who didn’t.
Everyone who has ever wanted to lose weight has started to diet once or probably multiple times over the years. However, most dieters have discovered they don’t get lasting success. There are many reasons for this, but it is mostly attributable to loss of motivation, instead of loss of weight.
Hypnosis helps to get you motivated and, more importantly, helps to keep you motivated to eat healthier foods, control your portions and to increase your exercise routine. Even the best diet plans will not work if they are not followed through. Research shows that most diets fail because dieters simply cannot stick to them.
Hypnotherapy weight loss programs work by tapping into the power of the unconscious mind to motivate you to exercise and treat your body right. For many people, another key to weight loss is stress management. Self-hypnosis is an alternative strategy for managing our stress and to break the habit of using food to soothe emotions.