Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Different Forms of Yoga

Yoga is a union with body. Yoga helps you to become disciplined and it brings about awareness with your mind, soul, spirit and body. Do… Continue Reading

Caring For Your Contact Lenses

Keep your eyes safe! Take time to care for your contact lenses. Here are some tips for keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable while you… Continue Reading

Dietitians Helps With Weight Loss

During your first appointment, your dietitian will discuss your typical eating pattern and your lifestyle. Relax, dietians have counseled literally thousands of clients. They are… Continue Reading

Eating Habits That Can Harm Teeth

Many parents across the country will issue a common refrain at dinnertime tonight “Youd better eat thatits good for you!” Theres another old favorite in… Continue Reading

What is An Audiologist?

Often, I get asked “What is an audiologist?” The confusion goes back to when I was a young man vacationing in California and went to… Continue Reading

Weight Management A Holistic Approach

Its estimated that 65% of Americans are overweight or obese. Shari Lieberman, Ph.D. is a well known expert on nutrition and weight loss. She summarized… Continue Reading

The End of Dieting

As an holistic nutritional consultant, I have seen and evaluated countless fad diets over the last ten years. One thing I have learned is there… Continue Reading

Back Pain From Disc Herniation

The term “disc herniation” often causes a disproportionate level of fear in the patients mind when they are confronted with this diagnosis. Often, patients fear… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Fatique, Pain and Fibromyalgia

Almost all of us know someone, and that someone may be you, who has an experience of severe longstanding fatigue, insufficient energy, or has lingering… Continue Reading

What Is Vertebral Subluxation?

A Vertebral subluxation is when stress overwhelms your bodys natural defenses causing your spinal bones to shift. This can result in an out of balance… Continue Reading

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