Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Why Diets Don’t Work

The statistics related to weight-related health problems in the United States are staggering. More than 60% of Americans are overweight and 25% are considered obese… Continue Reading

Estrogen Dominance In Men and Women

The term estrogen dominance is less related to the amount of circulating estrogen and more related to the ratio of estrogen to progesterone in the… Continue Reading

Early Signs of Orthodontic Issues

Because orthodontists can detect subtle problems with jaw growth or teeth while a child still has primary (baby) teeth present, the American Association of Orthodontists… Continue Reading

The "Liquid Facelift" A New Approach To Looking Younger

Cosmetic options have undergone a paradigm shift in the treatment of facial aging with a new emphasis being placed on prevention and less invasive approaches…. Continue Reading

The Skinny on the Low Carb Craze

As you walk through your average grocery store, food products screaming, “Low Carb, 0 grams of Carbs” brightly line the aisles. With the latest “carbophobia”… Continue Reading

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Body

It wasnt so long ago that many people accepted tooth loss and the use of dentures as a natural part of getting older. Today, however,… Continue Reading

Cold Laser and Restless Legs

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) affects approximately 12 million people in the U.S. The medical community does not have a specific cause for this medical condition,… Continue Reading

Dry Eye Why Is It a Disease, Not Just a Nuisance?

Up to 12 million Americans suffer from a disease called dry eye syndrome. People with dry eyes frequently experience burning and stinging of their eyes,… Continue Reading

When Fat Is a "Good" Thing

As we age, our skin looses much of its elasticity, or rebound, and it begins to develop folds and wrinkles. The aged and damaged skin… Continue Reading

Lavender Oil

Lavender essential oil is one product I routinely recommend as a staple in ones medicine chest. This small vial of essential oil, as opposed to… Continue Reading

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