Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Bite Problems and the Advanced Lightwire Functional Appliance (ALF)

The position of the teeth and jaws interrelate functionally with the rest of the body. The invention of the advanced lightwire functional appliances (ALF) represents… Continue Reading

Singing the Sugar Blues

The average American consumes about 150 pounds of sugar a year. How bad can sugar really be for you? In the early 1930s a German… Continue Reading

VelaSmooth For Cellulite and Body Shaping

VelaSmooth is a non-surgical, non-invasive, no down time cellulite reduction system that is FDA cleared. It is completely safe and has been proven effective in… Continue Reading

Trade a Keg For a Six Pack!

Have you ever stood in front of a mirror wishing you had a six-pack abdomen and sucked your tummy in? Even talked funny while doing… Continue Reading

Active Time Equal To Screen Time

Children are bombarded by screens TV screens, computers, video games, cell phones, etc. These technologies have positive and negative attributes, but the world doesnt stand… Continue Reading

Exercise and Pain Response

Most everyone has heard the saying “no pain, no gain” when it comes to exercise. This may be true in terms of a healthy individual… Continue Reading

Chinese Medicine and Weight Loss

Many people ask about acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help them lose weight. Although there is no substitute for a good diet and exercise when… Continue Reading

Infertility Tests of Sperm Function

Approximately one-half of all cases of infertility are due to the male. It is imperative that both partners get tested. The criteria for testing sperm… Continue Reading

Obesity Is a Serious Health Problem

Obesity surgery offers thousands a new lease on life. To understand the impact the surgery has on improving health, quality of life and longevity, one… Continue Reading

Advanced Laparoscopy For Gynecological Malignancies

Advanced laparoscopy has been proven to be highly successful when applied to patients with GYN malignancy, and should be offered as an option to traditional… Continue Reading

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