Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Why Do Older Women Have a Harder Time Getting Pregnant?

While men create sperm throughout their adult lives, women are born with a finite number of eggs, approximately 1-2 million. In the average girl, all… Continue Reading

Improve Your Vision and Face Value

When health surveys ask, “What are your most worrisome health fears?”, the answer is often, “loosing my vision”. Yearly eye examinations are the best way… Continue Reading

What Is Scoliosis

All spines have natural curves. Scoliosis, however, is a progressive, abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. When left untreated, it can cause severe spinal deformity…. Continue Reading

When Thoughts Can Hurt

Many people live with anxious or negative thoughts and feelings about themselves, others or situations which keep them from being able to fully enjoy their… Continue Reading

Uterine Cancer

What is uterine cancer? Cancer of the uterus involves abnormal cellular changes of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. It is mostly… Continue Reading

Acupuncture Eases Headaches

Headache is a common symptom with a complicated etiology. Headache may sometimes be a warning sign of a more serious medical condition. Most types of… Continue Reading

Facial Rejuvenation – Undoing the Effects of Gravity

How fast does the aging process happen? 10 m/sec2. That’s acceleration due to gravity and we see the effects in the drooping of the eyebrows,… Continue Reading

Good Posture For Overall Good Health

Its been more than 30 years since my mother ordered me to “Stand up straight!” or “Stop slouching!” It seems that I need those gentle… Continue Reading

Integrative Allergy Program

Allergies are an exaggerated reaction of the immune system to a substance or situation that would normally not cause a reaction in most individuals. It… Continue Reading

Healthy Living Tips

Healthy living is key to looking and feeling good. Follow these tips and you will begin to experience a difference in yourself. 1. The first… Continue Reading

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