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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
National Integrated Health Associates
Integrative Allergy Program
National Integrated Health Associates

Integrative Allergy Program

Allergies are an exaggerated reaction of the immune system to a substance or situation that would normally not cause a reaction in most individuals. It is estimated that about 15% of the population is affected by allergies and genetics plays a significant role. Allergies are often misdiagnosed and misunderstood by patients and their doctors.
There are different techniques available for both testing and treatment of allergies and each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of time, cost, and effectiveness. The most conventional accepted method is scratch testing of the skin and blood testing for assessment of the allergens, followed by treatments, which consist of weekly shots and/or prescription drugs. The process is time consuming and results may take up to one year to be noticed.
For children, the scratch testing process may be painful, and treatments do not address food allergies other than avoidance. Insurance often covers this conventional testing and treatment.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Pan American Society, Ear, Nose and Throat Society, and University of Maryland Allergy Clinic use the Rinkle method. The Rinkle allergy method uses intradermal injection, and serial endpoint titration, resulting in a more precise dilution of the allergen. It is more accurate because the 1 5 dilution is a more precise determination of the correct starting dose of serum. The ALCAT test can be done for food testing and insurance usually covers testing and serums. Patients can be tested for 10 to 150 foods as well as mold, antibiotics, environmental chemicals, food additives, and food colorings. Based on the results of the food testing, the patient is treated with serums and put on a four-day rotation diet eliminating allergy foods.
The Rinkle treatment for allergy is shots and serum drops. Injections are done in the office to build up the tolerance to the allergen, usually 2-5 weeks followed by weekly injections. Patients usually feel better in a few months. There is less potential for reaction since the dosage is more precise.
An integrative, holistic approach to allergy uses the Rinkle method and may include electro-dermal screening, a frequency based biofeedback system, to assess the patient. This system, widely used in Europe, is based on principles of modern physics and traditional energy medicine. It measures electrical conductivity at responsive points on the skin, and these measurements may help provide more information on the patients health condition. Electro-dermal screening may be used as a complementary tool along side other traditional diagnostic tools used to assess allergy, and could provide additional information about a persons health.
The more information the doctor has to assess what is happening in the patients body, the better able they are to determine an effective course of treatment. Information on other health conditions of the patient can also be addressed if they are found to be contributing to the source of the problem. In approaching allergy from a holistic point of view the integrative practitioner often is able to not only treat the allergy, but also help the patient to a better state of overall health and wellness.
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