Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Holiday Touch Up

Holiday parties and family get togethers can either be the best or worst of times. Depending on how well you managed to hold the line… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea and Related Breathing Disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea, usually characterized by severe snoring is now recognized as a life threatening disorder associated with higher rates of stroke and heart attack… Continue Reading

Estate Plans

Attorneys often hear from children who are concerned that their parents may not have an estate plan in place. The children are worried that if… Continue Reading

Who Would You Trust?

It is a common misconception that everyone who works with hearing aids has the same training, education/degree or profession. This is completely untrue! There are… Continue Reading

Liver Cancer Prevention

Liver cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer worldwide. It is the third most common cause of death from cancer. A person who… Continue Reading

These Are Not Your Fathers Hearing Aids

Unlike anything thats ever been seen before, be by ReSound is the alternative to traditional hearing aids. So new, and so radically different, you need… Continue Reading

Reproductive Health In Adolescent Women

The provision of health guidance, screening, and preventive health care services is essential component of reproductive health care for adolescents. The first visit to a… Continue Reading

This Telephone Is Closed Captioned

Since its advent in 1980, closed captioning has come a long way since that bulky box attached to a television set. Now, closed captioned technology… Continue Reading

Dental Lasers

Dental procedures can be performed quicker, more effectively and more comfortably thanks to the growing popularity of laser dentistry. Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission… Continue Reading

The Sandwich Generation

Youre rushing out of the office on a weeknight, hoping to get your daughter to soccer practice on time, cook dinner and help your other… Continue Reading

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