Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

What Could My Eye Inflammation Be?

What Could My Eye Inflammation Be? Blepharitis is a common and persistent inflammation of the eyelids. Symptoms include burning, dryness, itching, crusting, foreign body sensation… Continue Reading

Is There Any Benefit To Taking Fish Oil Supplements For Depression?

Is There Any Benefit To Taking Fish Oil Supplements For Depression? A number of studies suggest that fish oil supplements may be an effective add-on… Continue Reading

It is Perfectly Legal To Drive Without Car Insurance In Virginia

(How you can protect your family from those who do) Most people mistakenly believe that Virginia requires a minimum level of car insurance in order… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea and The Dental Relationship

Sleep Apnea The Dental Relationship Between Sleep Apnea and Ease Of Swallowing, Speaking and Breathing About eighteen years ago, when oral appliance therapy was considered… Continue Reading

TMJ Dysfunction, and Loss of Balance and Posture

TMJ Dysfunction, and Loss of Balance and Posture A loss of balance can be caused by many factors both local and systemic. If it is… Continue Reading

Treating Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

Treating Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a pain disorder that affects the musculoskeletal and nervous systems in one or more… Continue Reading

Fat The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Fat The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Fat is good for you! What a statement. Yet in the right proportions, this white (adipose) fat… Continue Reading

Empower Yourself To Reverse Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is not a certain result of growing older. Joints don't have a calendar telling them how old you are. What they do know is… Continue Reading

Eye Allergy

Eye Allergy Millions of Americans suffer from the symptoms of eye allergies, which are common and may be very disabling. This common condition is called… Continue Reading

Dental Implants An Alternative To Missing Teeth

Dental Implants An Alternative To Missing Teeth A dental implant can be used to replace a missing tooth, restore an entire smile or provide a… Continue Reading

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