Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

What Are Pterygium and Chalazion?

Pterygium A pterygium is a pinkish, triangular-shaped tissue growth on the cornea. Some pterygia grow slowly throughout a person's life, while others stop growing after… Continue Reading

Why Do Varicose Veins Occur With Pregnancy?

Each year I treat over one thousand women seeking relief from the discomfort and appearance of varicose veins. The single most common medical history I… Continue Reading

Open-Ear Hearing Aids

One of the historic problems with hearing aids is how to appropriately amplify high pitches without overamplifying low pitches. High pitches give clarity to speech,… Continue Reading

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Over the years I have tried to evaluate why some people are unsuccessful with hearing aids. There are a number of reasons, but one is… Continue Reading

Vision & Impaired Oral Function, Part 1

Part One of a Two Part Series There is robust literature and practical experience related to the benefits of healthful breathing. I have discussed the… Continue Reading

Colon Cancer and a Healthy Diet

Cancers of the colon and rectum are the third most common type worldwide. Food and nutrition have a very important role in the prevention and… Continue Reading

Benefits of Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)Benefits of Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty (nose job) is held by many to be perhaps one of the most technically challenging yet enjoyable operations. Aesthetic and functional goals are achieved… Continue Reading

Acupuncture Can It Help?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin, to various depths at strategic points on your body. Acupuncture originated in China thousands… Continue Reading

A Beautiful Skin For a Lifetime

Who doesnt like a “quick fix?” Everywhere we look, someone always seems to be offering the next, greatest, quickest solution to an age-old problem. Most… Continue Reading

A NEAT Way To Lose Weight

What determines if you are heavy or lean? Is it 1. What you eat? 2. How much you formally exercise? 3. Your everyday activities? While… Continue Reading

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