Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Adjust Your Sails

“I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean Estate planning is… Continue Reading

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Trim the Turkey Fat

The average Thanksgiving dinner packs a whopping 3,000 calories. It would take almost five hours of jogging to burn-off all those calories. And thats just… Continue Reading

Massage A Green Gift

Whats a green gift one might ask, and how is massage considered green? Allow me to make a few points that may shed some insight… Continue Reading

Love One Another

We are approaching another holiday season. December 25th is Christmas. Chanukah is December 21st through 29th. Hajj days are December 6th through 11th. The Day… Continue Reading

Heal and Strengthen After Gum Disease

Bacteria find the mouth to be a very hospitable place to live. Bacteria can readily cause gum irritation and inflammation and still go unnoticed because… Continue Reading

Latest Body Contouring Technology Laser Assisted Liposuction

So many people are interested in reducing fat and slimming their bodies they are actively looking for the best option the safest, and fastest. There… Continue Reading

Bogus Hearing Aid Clinical Trials Consumers Beware

While the vast majority of hearing healthcare providers (i.e. audiologist and hearing aid dispensers) are only interested in ethically providing the best care to patients,… Continue Reading

Beauty For Life

What Is A Facelift? Also known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck…. Continue Reading

Wintertime Fitness Fun

Wintertime keeps everyone indoors for hours on end. Kids get restless with pent-up energy and need the outlet that physical activity can provide. This is… Continue Reading

Music And Hearing Aids

Hearing aids were developed to help people hear and understand speech better. And for the most part hearing aids do a good job accomplishing that… Continue Reading

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