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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Gail Troussoff Marks
Wintertime Fitness Fun
Silver Stars Gymnastics

Wintertime Fitness Fun

Wintertime keeps everyone indoors for hours on end. Kids get restless with pent-up energy and need the outlet that physical activity can provide. This is a great time to sign your child up for a class like gymnastics or ice skating, which gives them exercise. Gymnastics will keep bodies in shape and your kids will be all ready for the outdoor sport season.
Promote physical activity at home, as well, by using winter images to add a new twist to activities that get your kids moving indoors. If possible, clear enough floor space so kids can roll around. A carpeted area is best, but if you dont have that try to add some padding that does not slip around and become hazardous. Set ground rules as to what is allowed indoors, trying to give kids space to move vigorously, while keeping possessions safe and parents nerves intact.
So to start
The first part of a good workout is to get the body warm. Kids can jog in place or do some jumping jacks. Muscles work best when they are warm and stretching is only recommended when muscles and ligaments are warmed up.
To build upper body strength, here are a couple of ideas.
Moose kicks can be the wintry name for donkey kicks. Bend over and place hands on the ground. Have your child try to kick both feet up in the air and then land back on both feet.
Snow plow is another upper body strengthener that you probably called “wheelbarrow” as a child. The child starts on hands and knees. The parent picks up the childs legs holding onto the upper thighs while the child walks forward with their hands. The child sets the pace and the adult needs to watch and stop when the childs arms start to get tired.
Handstands are another great strength builder. If there is a wall that you dont mind feet touching, have your child put their hands on the floor about shoulder width apart and then walk their feet backwards up the wall. See how long they can hold the handstand, but have them stop before their arms give out. A less strenuous version of this is to have children support their legs on a couch and reach their hands down to the floor.
The core muscles get a workout in the above skills and also in these
Snowman roll A winter name for a log roll. Lie flat on the floor. To make rolling easier, stretch arms straight over the head and by ears or hug ones chest. Roll sideways across the floor.
Snowball roll Lie down on back, bend knees and pull folded legs up to chest, hug legs with arms on the outside and roll over sideways. Rocking back and forth is also a good core strength builder.
So keep your kids moving this winter both with classes and activities at home. Providing good outlets for burn energy, will keep parents and kids happier. An added benefit is that your kids will be getting fit while having fun.

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