Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Life After Death

Life after death is real. May the universe and all the cosmos, come together in sending Michael Jackson to another time and space. Some people… Continue Reading

Taking Care of Your Mouth

Good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Researchers are also discovering new reasons to brush and floss…. Continue Reading

Oral Hygiene Is Important

A mouth that looks and smells healthy is usually the result of good oral hygiene. A healthy mouth has teeth that are clean and free… Continue Reading

Dental Veneers For a Gorgeous Smile

What Are Dental Veneers? Veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic (porcelain) or a composite resin material, which are bonded to the front of teeth. Placing… Continue Reading

Marcia B. Levi, DC

Keeping the "Heart of the Home" Healthy

Back in our mother's, or grandmother's day if you're still relatively young, most women were stay-at-home moms, who baked every day, ironed shirts, took care… Continue Reading

Caring For Your Aging Parents

Is taking on the care giving responsibility for your loved ones always the right thing to do? Many adult children and family members feel obligated… Continue Reading

Glaucoma Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Glaucoma refers to eye disorders where high pressure inside the eye causes damage to the optic nerve and subsequent vision loss. If glaucoma is untreated,… Continue Reading

Why Aren't Your Teeth White?

White teeth add to anyone's smile. A bright smile with white teeth makes one more attractive and confident. Dark, yellow, stained teeth detract from even… Continue Reading

Natural Hormone Balance for Menopause

If you are one of the 40 million American women who will transition into menopause over the next 20 years, you may be searching for… Continue Reading

Communication Doing What Works

Say what you mean; mean what you say; follow through 100% of the time; have clear expectations and reasonable consequences to help shape behavior. Anyone… Continue Reading

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