Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

More Than Just a Sniffle Ragweed Allergy

Just as allergy sufferers begin feeling relief from the diminishing tree and grass pollen, along comes the start of ragweed season, wreaking havoc on the… Continue Reading

Working Hard But Not Losing Weight?

Most people forget you need some sugar carbohydrates for muscle building and quality workouts. Reducing your calorie and carbohydrate intake too much does not provide… Continue Reading

A Tale of Two Lives

Senior liberation is not a political movement, but you definitely want to cast your vote. Independence requires a series of proactive decisions. Today's decisions can… Continue Reading

Wedding Smiles to Last Happily Ever After

The music starts, the doors open, and everyone turns as she takes those first steps towards a new life. The bride glides down the aisle… Continue Reading

Video Game Addiction

Video games are unquestionably popular in the preteen and teenage populations. So much so, in fact, that parents sometimes question whether or not their child… Continue Reading

Anxiety, Ambivilence, and Acceptance

Anxiety, an emotional disorder many of us will encounter in our lifetime, can take on many forms including phobias, panic attacks, excessive worry, fear and… Continue Reading

FDA Grants Zerona Market Clearance

A new technology known as Zerona, a 'cold' laser, has been granted market clearance by the FDA for “use as a non-invasive dermatological aesthetic treatment… Continue Reading

Helping You Get Your Zzzs

Everyone has trouble sleeping from time to time. For some though, getting to sleep is a regular struggle. Still, others go through periods of insomnia… Continue Reading

What's That Word Mean?

Part 1 of 2 The world of car accident claims has a language unto itself. Many attorneys forget that for most people, a car accident… Continue Reading

Are Your Feet Happy With You?

Your feet play a large part in your general health, especially after a certain age. Proper care and maintenance of your feet can help prevent… Continue Reading

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