Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Why Does the Pain Come Back?

Do you have a “bad back” that goes out a couple of times a year? Maybe you know someone with chronic sinus headaches. Or maybe… Continue Reading

Most Effective Treatment For Neck Pain

The prestigious British Medical Journal recently published a study that concluded that manipulation “is more effective and less costly for treating neck pain” than care… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy and Total Hip Replacements

The hip joint joins the pelvis to the femur, or thighbone. Your hip is a ball and socket joint. The head of the femur is… Continue Reading

Sports Injuries Patella Tendonitis

Patellar tendonitis is a common knee injury in sports. This overuse injury occurs in a variety of sports, especially ones like basketball, soccer, volleyball and… Continue Reading

Aromatherapy Holistic Health and Relief

March is a great time to make changes as we transition into spring; a season often affiliated with renewal and new life. How about making… Continue Reading

Acupuncture and Cardiovascular Disease

According to the American Heart Association, the total cardiovascular disease prevalence (including coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, heart failure, etc.) in the American… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Vertigo

The most common type of vertigo is benign positional paroxysmal. It happens when the person moves the position of the head, then dizziness starts. Another… Continue Reading

Protein A Great Source Of Wisdom

It seems that everywhere we look, someone is promoting a new diet that praises the power of protein. And whether you want to lose, gain… Continue Reading

Making Your House Healthy

Everyone wants to be proactive about their health and the health of their loved ones. There is so much new and improved technology, there are… Continue Reading

New Therapeutic Option In CLL

CLL is the most common form of leukemia in western countries. It is a disease of the elderly. The average age at diagnosis is 70.It… Continue Reading

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