Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Staff Longevity Equals Happy Patients

Question I am considering having a cosmetic procedure, possibly a tummy tuck and breast lift. What should I look for and what questions should I… Continue Reading

Chronic Disease and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss isn't a harmless condition to be ignored. In fact, hearing loss often coexists with other serious health problems. A growing body of research… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Appetite Control

The CDC recently reported that 34% of Americans are overweight and 27% are obese. Many people believe the actual percentage is much greater, and due… Continue Reading

Overview Of Outsourcing Benefits To Physician Offices

Providers that utilize an outside billing company can attest that outsourcing your medical billing is a positive benefit regardless of the size of your practice…. Continue Reading

To Screen Or Not To Screen? That Is The Question Part Two

Remember the controversy that sparked from the 2009 USPSTF that recommended against screening women < 50 years old with mammograms? The new recommendation issued by... Continue Reading

The Time To Start Over Is Now

Happy New Year! If there ever was a time to start over in any area in your life, the time is now. Don't delay. There… Continue Reading

Chiropractic Care and Stroke

Most people who are considering having neck treatment wonder whether adjustments are safe, and whether there is a possibility of stroke. The most recent research… Continue Reading

Varicose Veins and Your Health Insurance

Does Insurance Cover the Treatment Of Varicose Veins? Yes, since this is a medical issue that can lead to serious health consequences most insurance companies… Continue Reading

Try Acupuncture This New Year

Acupuncture is a method of therapy intended to promote natural body healing, improve and restore bodily functions and relieve or reduce pain. What Is Medical… Continue Reading

Massage and Aromatherapy

Despite the advancements in the massage therapy industry, including massage therapists status as licensed healthcare professionals, massage still retains an aura of luxury. Ask anyone… Continue Reading

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