Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!
Graham Corby, Certified Optician

Here’s How Eyeglasses Work

A Clearer Perspective on Optical Health Clear and precise vision is a gift that many people enjoy, thanks to eyeglasses. These marvels of optical engineering… Continue Reading

Lisa Thorne, Holistic Wellness Coach

Ready for Change? Create Your New Path in Three Months!

We humans are always wanting something more. It’s pretty universal, that innate desire for the next good thing. There is nothing wrong with “wanting more”,… Continue Reading

Priya Kaur Tahim, LPC

Learning to Listen to Your Own Intuition: Signs to Know if You’re on the Right Path

You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that feels like butterflies mixed with nausea? It’s called anxiety. I’ve been living… Continue Reading

Amer Mian, CEO

Aids To Daily Living

Aids to Daily Living (ADL) equipment encompasses a diverse range of tools designed to support individuals in their day-to-day activities, fostering independence and improving overall… Continue Reading

Marc P. Stanard, DDS, PC

The Interconnected Web: Gum Disease, Heart Health, and Beyond

Maintaining good oral health extends far beyond a bright smile; it is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. Recent research has uncovered a significant link… Continue Reading

Mark Domanski, MD

Cold Winter Air and Skin Health: A Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective

Cold dry winter air can have various negative effects on the skin. Dryness and irritation are common issues leading patients to wonder if they should… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Is There a Link Between Alcoholism and Burnout?

The term “burnout” is becoming more of a part of the common vernacular these days. Most people understand what it means to some extent. To… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

11 Ways You Can Improve Your Community’s Health

Improving the health of a community is a collective effort that requires the involvement and dedication of individuals, organizations, and local authorities. A community’s health… Continue Reading

Ade Adetunji, DPM

Poor Circulation In Feet

Causes and Symptoms Poor blood circulation in legs and feet is a condition that may cause damage to the tissues in these parts, causing utter… Continue Reading

Howard Horowitz, DPM

What Is Shockwave Therapy?

In Western medicine we are most familiar with treatment via medication or surgery. For chronic musculoskeletal problems (MSK) sometimes physical therapy may be recommended if… Continue Reading

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