Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Fight Tooth Decay With Remineralization

Teeth normally cycle through a process of demineralizing and remineralizing. To stay healthy, teeth need to spend more time in the state of remineralization. Demineralization… Continue Reading

Detox Fad Or Benefit?

Exposure to environmental toxins, and the over consumption of some foods has raised the issue of “detoxification” to the public domain where people are wondering… Continue Reading

New Bunion Treatment

Many patients who have bunions fear the pain and recovery time of having bunion surgery. People live with the pain of bunions and don't get… Continue Reading

Why Is This Happening Why Is It So Darn Hard To Lose Weight?

Everyone wants to know the quick answers to weight loss and reaching their fitness goals. Well, there are no quick answers. Unless you are willing… Continue Reading

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy use in physical rehabilitation is becoming increasingly popular and more widely accepted as its results become appreciated. Lasers are divided into three… Continue Reading

Hear Better, Live Better

When I say the words “hearing aids” what picture comes to your mind? Today's hearing technology is rapidly changing from just amplifying everything to being… Continue Reading

The Smile You've Always Wanted

Whiter Teeth For a More Vibrant Smile Whitening procedures have effectively restored the smile of people with stained, dull, or discolored teeth.The darker tissue of… Continue Reading

Brutal Parenting Techniques and Ptsd

Luke is 8-years old. His parents divorced when he was three. Since then, he has lived with his mother, her fiance and an older sister…. Continue Reading

Gummy Smile An Esthetic Problem?

When you smile, do you feel the appearance of your upper teeth is overshadowed by excessive gum tissue? Are you of the opinion that your… Continue Reading

Chiropractic and Depression

We all experience highs and lows. But when the lows become increasingly often and begin to interfere with the functions of daily living, then it's… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130