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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Daniel J. Cuttica, DO
New Bunion Treatment
The Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Center

New Bunion Treatment

Many patients who have bunions fear the pain and recovery time of having bunion surgery. People live with the pain of bunions and don't get surgery because of the pain, and the down-time after surgery. Surgical correction of bunions usually results in the need to be off your feet for six weeks or more after surgery. Now, there may be another option.

A bunion, often called “a bump on the side of the foot”, is a common, yet painful foot problem. It is the result of the big toe turning toward the second toe, causing a bump on the inside edge of the big toe. The bump rubs against your shoes which causes it to get red, swollen and sore. The skin can become calloused along the inside edge of the big toe, with pain over the joint.

People undergo bunion surgery when the pain is no longer bearable. When you have bunions, you find that everyday activities, such as walking and even wearing reasonable shoes, can become very limited. Patients find that not even rest or medication can sooth the inflammation, swelling and pain.

The option for treatment of these severe bunion problems is usually surgery, with an extended recovery period. During the recovery period your mobility is substantially limited. Patients are usually required to stay off the foot for at least six weeks, with limited use of crutches.

New Treatment Solution

In order to treat a bunion and give patients more mobility during the recovery period, it is necessary to hold the bones in the correction position, and to be strong enough so you can get around without too much pain. And, with increased mobility, there is an added benefit of aiding rehabilitation and helping patients to be more active.

Dr. Steven K. Neufeld, a founder of Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Center in Falls Church, VA explains, a surgeon and trained mechanical engineer, was determined to offer bunion sufferers a better alternative. He invented a new solution called the Ludloff Plate.

The Ludoff Plate is surgically inserted to hold the bone in its correct position, and give it the strength the patients need. It makes the foot strong enough so patients can walk soon after the procedure is completed. This promotes the most optimal outcome.

Safety and Availability

In the past two years over 250 Ludoff Plate bunion procedures have been performed across the country. Results show how this new procedure restores a patient's mobility within days of the operation.

If you have pain and swelling from bunions, the Ludoff Plate may be just the solution you've been wishing for.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130