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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jeanne W. Shiffman, MD, DABFP
Detox Fad Or Benefit?
Steinmetz Integrative & Functional Medicine Center

Detox Fad Or Benefit?

Exposure to environmental toxins, and the over consumption of some foods has raised the issue of “detoxification” to the public domain where people are wondering what they should do. Toxins are found in the environment, and in waste products from normal metabolism.

There are plenty of toxins we need to be careful of, and are exposed to every day. Some toxins can affect every system in your body. You may not notice symptoms immediately, especially with chronic low-dose exposure, but, they can have a serious impact.

Certain toxins found in the environment can cause cancer, and the cord blood of babies has an average of 287 chemicals found in it at birth. Diseases like Parkinson's can be directly linked to pesticide exposure, and leg nerve problems can be linked to heavy metals, like lead and mercury, to name a few.

Because of the buzz detoxification has created, “detox formulas” are widely available from many supplement companies, and health practitioners are recommending “detox” to just about everyone. Some of these are harmless, some could be a waste of money, and some may actually be harmful. Very few are helpful beyond what you can do yourself. So, it's important to know how your body normally detoxifies.

The lungs release carbon dioxide from your system when you breathe, along with other toxins, like alcohol. Metabolic waste is also released by sweat, and the liver sends toxins to the intestines to be excreted. A two-part reaction in the liver changes toxins from fat-soluble to water-soluble so that they can be filtered by the kidneys and excreted in urine.

Liver Health The Key To Natural Detox

There are basically two phases of detoxification. Products from the first phase can be more toxic than the original toxins, so the liver needs specific vitamins and minerals for proper processing. The more toxins, the harder the liver has to work.

Phase one requires lots of antioxidants and B vitamins. Eating greens is important for B vitamins, and colorful fruits and vegetables for antioxidants. Garlic, onions and cruciferous vegetables are also important for thiols.

For phase two, amino acids found in protein are important, especially the sulfur-containing amino acids in eggs, fish, chicken and seaweed. Cruciferous vegetables, as well, are important in phase two. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are some examples.

Laboratory tests are available to check phases one and two of liver detoxification. If your physician determines that your liver is working well, you won't need supplements. Genetic testing can also determine how well we detoxify.

Effective detoxification requires more than buying supplements. To detox properly, you should be supervised by a physician who specializes in this process and can tailor a detox method that is right for you. But, you can help by decreasing your exposure to toxins and eat only natural foods and limiting your exposure to pesticides.

To ensure regular bowel movements, eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, foods with sulfur-containing amino acids, and enjoy a sauna.

Visit the Environmental Working Group's web page ( to learn more about environmental toxins.

Continue to take care of your body, and it will take care of you.
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