Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Epidural Injections Pain Relieving Power

If you are suffering from acute or chronic back and/or leg pain, epidural injections may offer you substantial pain relief without surgery. This procedure, also… Continue Reading

Apps For Your Ears

In the age of stunning technology, people living with hearing loss have many options literally at their fingertips, if they have a smartphone, tablet or… Continue Reading

The Brittle Bone Disease

If the bone becomes excessively brittle and prone to fracture, the condition may be classified as osteoporosis. This bone thinning disorder is common among postmenopausal… Continue Reading

Innovations In Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery has been around for at least 2,500 years. Modern cataract surgery has been influenced by a steady stream of innovation over the past… Continue Reading

Step Outside To Walk Or Run

People enjoy walking or running for a number of reasons. For many, it's a simple form of exercise. For some, it's about “the freedom of… Continue Reading

Good Customer Service

Recently, I had the experience of asking three young people, in their 20's, if they had ever heard the term, “The customer is always right”…. Continue Reading

The "Slipped" Disc

These rings of fibrous tissue have jelly-like centers that act like “ball bearings.” They separate each vertebra, permit the natural curves of the spine and… Continue Reading

Food As Fuel Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins

This month, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages people to make healthy choices with National Nutrition Month. Understanding nutrients and the roles they play… Continue Reading

Could LASIK Improve My Appearance?

Well, the answer is maybe. Of course, the main reason to have LASIK eye surgery is for its vision correction benefits. But improving your appearance… Continue Reading

Ever Heard Of Careology?

Earth has been populated by humans for about 200,000 years. During that time mankind has learned to care for their young, their ill, and their… Continue Reading

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