Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Changing the Face Of Aging

What Are Dermal Fillers? Twenty years ago, if you wanted to get rid of wrinkly, sagging skin, there was basically one way to do it… Continue Reading

Pollen Allergy and Food Reactions Can They Be Related?

If you suffer fromseasonal hay feverand you've ever experienced an itchy mouth or scratchy throat after eating certain raw fruits, vegetables, peanuts and/or tree nuts,… Continue Reading

Are You Finally Ready For LASIK?

Over two million LASIK procedures have been performed worldwide since 1995. And LASIK is the most widely performed elective procedure in the United States today…. Continue Reading

Home Care Help With Simple Daily Chores

All of the chores and tasks that are necessary to run a household are difficult enough for a young person in good health, but when… Continue Reading

Insight Into Acupuncture's Mechanism

Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center discovered that a neurotransmitter called adenosine is responsible for the pain relief from acupuncture. Adenosine is a… Continue Reading

What You Need To Know About Caring For Your Eyesight

Our eyesight is a precious gift. Regular vision care helps to protect your eyesight and your general health and well-being. Unless directed otherwise by your… Continue Reading

Testosterone A Frequently Overlooked, But Important Blood Test

While most patients are familiar with standard blood panels their physician's order that contain a CBC (complete blood count) and tests for cholesterol and lipids… Continue Reading

Innovative Approach Shows Promise With Disc Back Pain

Discogenic back pain can occur as the discs between the vertebrae of the spine gradually change over time, becoming less supple and more susceptible to… Continue Reading

What Is Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) is an effective nonsurgical outpatient procedure administered by an experienced orthopedic surgeon using donated blood plasma from the patient, and injected… Continue Reading

Is Every Tummy Tuck the Same?

Though every patient is different, the main goal of a tummy tuck is to provide a smoother, flatter stomach. But did you know that there… Continue Reading

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