Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

What Is With This Bad Breath?

For those of you who have felt the embarrassment of halitosis (bad breath), you know that it is something that can alter the way you… Continue Reading

What You Didn't Know About Child Safety Car Seats

The biggest fear of any parent is getting into an auto accident with your child in the car. Thankfully, car seats are safer than ever… Continue Reading

Dancing Breathes Life

It's amazing what just 45 minutes of moving does. Muscles engage, posture elongates, and movement becomes fluid. The connection made between the music, the movement… Continue Reading

Stay Hydrated!

While the jury may still be out on whether we should be drinking 8 glasses of water each day, there is no need to put… Continue Reading

Managing Neck and Arm Pain

Neck and arm pain can be a sign of nerve impingement in the spine and is a common experience among the adult population. Fortunately, in… Continue Reading

Need a Back-To-School Refresher?

Now that school has resumed, parents everywhere are finding themselves with a little more free time. If you are one of those parents, it is… Continue Reading

Don't Forget Your Neck When Receiving Treatments

The skin on your neck covers an array of muscles that are constantly in motion, stretching and contracting thousands of times per day as we… Continue Reading

Solution To Loose and Uncomfortable Dentures

Dentures have provided solutions for missing teeth in millions of people for the past 70 years. Though dentures have been the route of choice for… Continue Reading

Improving Athletic Performance With Hypnosis

If you are an athlete, you probably use a trainer, coach, or pro. These people are invaluable in helping you perform at your best potential…. Continue Reading

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

In the US, it estimated that 18 million people have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) yet only 5% to 8% of the population has actually been… Continue Reading

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