Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Treat Yourself To a Smile Makeover This Holiday Season

How can you look 10+ years younger in just a few weeks or sometimes just one appointment without surgery? By seeing your dentist. A whiter,… Continue Reading

Get In Shape This Year

Are you one of the 64.5% of American adults (over 120 million) who are overweight? If so, searching for the right weight loss program to… Continue Reading

What Are Varicose Veins?

If you're over 40, you probably see them; those little purple veins that suddenly seem to appear on your legs. Veins return blood from the… Continue Reading

Putting the Brakes On Dry Winter Skin

The winter months can put a double whammy on your skin. The combination of the dry, cold outdoor air and the dry, warm indoor air… Continue Reading

Floaters and Flashes

What Are Floaters? Floaters are dark spots, circles, hairs or cobwebs that move around in your vision. You see them best when looking at something… Continue Reading

Take Control Of Your Holiday Habits

Most of us are challenged with little time to devote to our physical activity and extremely busy days from wake to sleep, which can leave… Continue Reading

Cat Allergies

Allergic response inhalant allergies can affect the nose, the eyes, and the chest (asthma). Allergic rhinitis can occur on a seasonal basis or year round…. Continue Reading

10 Tips To Keep Your Skin From Drying Out Part 2

Part 2 “The key to keeping your skin from drying out is to retain moisture rather than replenish moisture” The main cause of dry skin… Continue Reading

Home Invaders That Can Make You Sick

Do you suffer from sneezing, runny noise, headaches, flushed face, respiratory problems or asthma? The poor indoor air quality of your home can be jeopardizing… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Stress Relief

Stress is the body's natural response to internal and external stressors. There are two types of stress, unhealthy stress and healthy stress. The difference between… Continue Reading

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