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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Wayne Andersen, DO, MD
Get In Shape This Year
. http://www.drwayneandersen.com

Get In Shape This Year

Are you one of the 64.5% of American adults (over 120 million) who are overweight?

If so, searching for the right weight loss program to shed those unwanted pounds can be confusing and sometimes a scary thought. With all the so-called diet plans out there, it is difficult to decide which ones are going to give you the best results with the most health benefits and fit into your busy lifestyle.

Be careful of the fad diets or the newest craze because many of these are based on conceptual ideas that may not pan out in the long run, and may cause serious side effects or poor results. It is best to choose a program that is based on true and clinically proven results over a long period of time. Fads come and go precisely because they may work for the short term but not for the long term.

One of the easiest and best ways I have found for busy individuals to reach their goal weight, and then most importantly keep it off, is to incorporate a balanced meal replacement program that allows them to eat a variety of easy to prepare meal replacements frequently throughout their busy day. This also allows them to enjoy a lean and green meal in the evening either at a restaurant or home with the family.

They should look for the programs that include the help of a support coach that will keep them on track and optimize their results. The company may also offer support groups or support calls that the individual can take advantage of. Another benefit may be a nurse's and physician's hotline to access if health questions arise.

Also, check to see if the products can be sent directly, which will cut out the middle man or driving time to pick up products. The ability to access everything all from the comfort of your home makes this type of program both cost and time effective.

A program of this quality will teach you many helpful habits that will help you to remain healthy throughout your life. Wouldn't it be nice for this to be the last year you needed to lose weight?

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