Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Healthy Skin, Naturally

Chinese medicine includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and massage. It uses a natural approach to maintain health, prevent and treat disease, and has anti-aging properties. But… Continue Reading

The Power To Create Positive Change

Many of us go through life feeling unhappy, discontent. We often hear “I am stuck.” “Nothing works for me.” “I don't see any hope.” One… Continue Reading

Restoring Balance and Energy After Exercise

Exercising can be tough on your body's muscles. After a long work out, muscles can often feel sore and achy, leaving one feeling drained and… Continue Reading

What Treats Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a fairly common problem, which until now, have had little in the way of successful treatments. Living with stretch marks was thought… Continue Reading

Grinding My Life Away

In 1993, I was constantly experiencing pain in my right hip that radiated into my right ovary area. No one could explain why I was… Continue Reading

Beating Breast Cancer

Over 192,000 women in the US and 1.2 million worldwide will be diagnosed with breast cancer annually. As shocking as these numbers are, even worse… Continue Reading

Make 2016 the Year Of the Tummy

Is your tummy a problem in clothing or with your shape? Problems in this area are due to one of three things excess fat, excess… Continue Reading

Avoiding Your Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are a common problem for most people. Due to insufficient space in the mouth, these teeth are often malpositioned creating an environment for… Continue Reading

Visualize Yourself To a Healthy New Year

Ever found yourself setting a New Year's resolution to lose weight and get healthy only to find yourself back to your old habits less than… Continue Reading

Botox Parties and Facial Fillers? Maybe Not, Think Again

With the holiday season over, perhaps one of your New Year's Resolutions is to be more aware of your appearance. One of the quick fixes… Continue Reading

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