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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kyle Brooks, LMT
Restoring Balance and Energy After Exercise
Heartfelt Shiatsu

Restoring Balance and Energy After Exercise

Exercising can be tough on your body's muscles. After a long work out, muscles can often feel sore and achy, leaving one feeling drained and tired. It is important to relax and restore these muscles, renewing your balance and energy after exercising.

What Is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a form of therapy of Japanese origin based on the same principles as acupuncture, in which pressure is applied to certain points on the body using the hands. The word shiatsu means “finger pressure” in Japanese.

This type of bodywork uses specific hands-on techniques, limb rotation, and stretches in a seamless flow of movement to help to restore and relax your body.

When combined with exercise, it can help save your body from injury and fatigue. Practicing this on a regular basis combined with exercise, you will develop strength in your lower back and abdomen and will experience less pain and soreness after a long work out.


There are several exercises that you can practice yourself for quicker muscle recovery and stress relief. These exercises use the meridians that circulate “chi” or “energy” throughout the body and there is one specific to each organ system.

Lungs and Large Intestine

To stretch and tone the meridian of your lungs and large intestine, start by standing and spreading your arms wide, slightly higher than shoulder level. Then link your thumbs together behind your back and bend forward as you exhale. As you inhale, return back to an upright position. Repeat this on average five times a day to develop essential strength in your lung and large intestine meridian.

Heart and Small Intestine

An exercise you can try that will massage your heart and small intestine meridians starts with you seated. Put the soles of your feet together and bring your knees apart from each other, then exhale and bend forward. Remain in this position for three full, deep breaths.

Next, place your legs straight out in front of you and bend forward again as you exhale. This will help tone your bladder and kidney meridians.

Those are just a couple of many exercises that you can learn to practice by going to see your local shiatsu therapist. A practitioner will also be able to recognize imbalances in your body, even before physical signs appear. Simple and subtle changes can be indicators of imbalances that could progress to become a greater problem.

By evaluating your energy levels, a practitioner can design a method of treatment best suited for your needs. For instance, if your energy is low or deficient after exercising, a practitioner can use specific pressure and kneading techniques to enhance and rejuvenate your energy levels.

On the other hand, if you have too much excess energy, a practitioner can employ techniques to help disperse your excess energy, leaving you relaxed and less anxious. Incorporating shiatsu into your exercise routine is one of the best ways to keep your body in shape and healthy.
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