Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!
Mark Domanski, MD

Recovery Time for Plastic Surgery Procedures

One of the most common concerns for patients considering plastic surgery is the downtime associated with the procedures. This downtime varies not only between different… Continue Reading

Dr. Reem Refae

Acupuncture and Women’s Health

A holistic approach that helps women live balanced and empowered lives Acupuncture is a noninvasive ancient Eastern Medicine practice that involves the strategic insertion of… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

The Intersection of Mental Health and Addiction: Strategies for Dual Recovery

When mental health challenges and addiction collide, it creates a unique set of struggles for many individuals. This overlap is what we call the intersection… Continue Reading

Karl A. Smith, DDS, MS

Dental Care For Mature Citizens

If you’re a baby boomer, born between 1946 and 1964, there are so many reasons to focus on and improve your oral health. Periodontal (gum)… Continue Reading

“Self-Ligating” Braces: State-Of-the-Art Orthodontics

Do you wonder why all the media’s attention is focused on self-ligating brackets? Self-ligating (SL) braces have been around for over 20 years and are… Continue Reading

Judy Yu, DMD, MBA

Aging and Your Dental Health

The older adult demographic is on the rise, presenting unique challenges in healthcare. Managing the health of aging patients can be intricate due to concurrent… Continue Reading

Hiatal Hernia: A Common Cause For Heartburn

What Is a Hiatal Hernia? A hiatal hernia is a type of hernia that occurs when the stomach migrates from the abdominal cavity into the… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

10 Tips for Advocating for Mental Healthcare

Advocating for mental healthcare is a vital aspect of fostering a society that values and supports the well-being of all its members. As awareness of… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

9 Ways to Promote Proper Healthcare

Promoting proper healthcare is crucial in today’s fast-paced world, where stress and unhealthy lifestyles can take a toll on our well-being. Ensuring that everyone has… Continue Reading

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