Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Uveitis Inflammation Of the Eye

Inflammation can affect the eye, specifically a part of it called the uvea. Therefore doctors call eye inflammation uveitis (like joint inflammation is called arthritis)…. Continue Reading

The Bliss Of a Hot Stone Massage

If the winter chill tends to make your muscles clench, or if you carry tension like a coat on your back, a hot stone massage… Continue Reading

Migraines and Chiropractic

Migraines can be an extremely debilitating condition. As a child of about five or six years old, I began to develop migraine headaches. As you… Continue Reading

Why Practice Pilates?

Like a physical yoga practice, pilates (“pill-ah-teez”) links breathing with movement and strengthens the body's core the large group of muscles that includes the abdominals,… Continue Reading

Is Your Diet Causing Health Problems?

Many of our problems begin in the gut and with our diet. A few years ago a patient was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and celiac… Continue Reading

Karen Clarke-Bennett, DO

Hormones and Weight Loss

To achieve lasting and effective weight loss goals it is essential to consider your hormonal levels and how they might be affecting your progress. Hormones… Continue Reading

ThermIVA® For Non-surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

For over a decade medical devices have used radio-frequency (RF) energy to non-invasively rejuvenate and shrink facial skin. The FDA recently approved the use of… Continue Reading

Complementary Treatments In Glaucoma

Many patients are interested in complementary and or alternative treatment options for glaucoma. Some alternative theories have been tested scientifically with studies and others have… Continue Reading

Your Smart Phone Could Be Killing You

Your smartphone habits could be slowly crippling your health. The power of our mobile devices means that we have instant access to friends, to email,… Continue Reading

March Madness Don't Let Your Workouts Get Eliminated

Avoid going mad this March by using these tips to stay organized and carve out additional workout time. Schedule at least 15 unplugged minutes each… Continue Reading

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