Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Important Questions Regarding Your Leg Health

This questionnaire is a helpful tool to assess whether you have chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), also known as venous reflux disease. This disease is one… Continue Reading

The Mouth and Heart Connection

Cardiovascular disease is a class of disease that affects the heart and/or blood vessels. It is estimated that more than 80 million people in the… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy and Your Shoulder

Many shoulder problems are caused by the breakdown of soft tissues in the shoulder region. Using the shoulder too much can cause the soft tissue… Continue Reading

The Ear May Be a Window To the Heart

A growing body of research shows that heart health and hearing health frequently correspond. There is no definitive answer as to how the two systems… Continue Reading

Are Your Shoes Giving You the Blues?

According to statistics quoted on The College of Podiatry's website, between 75-80% of adults struggle with some type of foot problem. Many people don't realize… Continue Reading

The Need For Sleep

Let’s start 2017 in a healthy fashion and see if we can all improve ourselves just a little bit more. Did you know that the… Continue Reading

"Women" Problems

Since the beginning of time women have experienced issues “down there” such as vaginal looseness, dryness and unappealing labial appearance, all of which could hamper… Continue Reading

Is There a Solution To Treat Acne In Teenagers Or Adults?

Acne is one of the most common problems in both teenagers and adults. When pores in the skin become blocked, bacteria builds up leading to… Continue Reading

Tips To Heal Dry and Itchy Skin

Skin is the largest organ in the human body. Naturally, your skin acts as the first defense mechanism against elements we come in contact with… Continue Reading

Can Black Ice be Found "At Fault" For an Accident?

We are in the midst of winter, when driving conditions deteriorate, increasing the risk for drivers on the road. Let's explore one of the more… Continue Reading

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