Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Arthritis Pain Relief

There is no one best way to manage arthritis pain, and no single technique that is guaranteed to give you complete pain relief. In fact,… Continue Reading

Why Go To the Dentist For Whiter Teeth?

With the advent of home whitening kits, you no longer have to go to the dentist to have your teeth whitened. Do-it-Yourself (DIY) kits are… Continue Reading

Hearing Aids The Features Patients Are Asking For

According to Abram Bailey of Hearing Tracker, internet and iPhone connectivity may be the sizzle in today's hearing aid market, but sound quality is still… Continue Reading

Why Are Stair Lifts So Popular?

A stair lift can eliminate the pain, fear and worry of using your stairs. Typical stair lift users are people experiencing pain or weakness in… Continue Reading

Living With Rosacea

What do Bill Clinton, Princess Diana, and Cynthia Nixon have in common? These famous faces have all suffered from rosacea. A chronic skin disease that… Continue Reading

Weight Loss and Menopause Hormones Can Help

Women ages 40+ face more challenges when trying to lose weight. A woman's shifting hormones impact many weight-related processes, like how food is metabolized, how… Continue Reading

What Is Causing Your Swollen Legs?

Leg swelling, or edema, as it is called in the medical profession is a common condition that plagues many of our community members. Edema can… Continue Reading

Effects Of Hormones On Oral Health

What Do Hormones Have To Do With a Woman's Oral Health? Hormonal changes occur throughout a woman's life, and with these hormonal changes come changes… Continue Reading

Studies Show Social Involvement Helps Keep Seniors Healthier

Seniors who are socially involved in their communities tend to live longer, are in better physical health, and face a lower risk of cognitive decline… Continue Reading

Eating Fat Does Not Make You Fat

If you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror especially a full-length mirror, pull out the bacon, butter, olive oil, and… Continue Reading

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