Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Our Greatest Beauty Essential Is Confidence

Worrying about looks is an obsession for many. The endless onslaught of images and messages drive home the importance of beauty to our success and… Continue Reading

The Art Of Filler

It was Zsa Zsa Gabor who famously explained when you get older, you must “choose between your fanny or your face”. What Ms. Gabor was… Continue Reading

Preparing Your Skin For the Fall

Before the summer sun is replaced with autumn leaves, it is important to make sure that your skin is prepared for the seasonal transition. The… Continue Reading

How Do Insurance Companies Handle Big Weather Events?

In light of the large hurricanes that have hit the east coast and Texas, it's worth exploring a few things insurance companies do to handle… Continue Reading

New Treatment For Thinning Hair Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Millions of men and women suffer from hair loss and hair thinning. Hair loss can be embarrassing and stressful for both males and females and… Continue Reading

Painful Sex or Vaginal Dryness? New Technology Provides Help

The National Institute of Health recently reported that there are an estimated 64 million postmenopausal women in the United States, and that as many as… Continue Reading

Facts About Bladder Cancer

A diagnosis of cancer is a frightening thing for anyone. You need not only the very best medical care, but also the right information to… Continue Reading

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act Of 2017

According to Steve Pociask of the American Consumer Institute, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and the consumer technology lobby are making a big push in support… Continue Reading

Disability Benefits Are a Necessity

In the next decade, Social Security disability benefits are expected to increase five-fold. In 1999, 75% of U.S. households carried life insurance while only 40%… Continue Reading

When You Have Cancer Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Can Help

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are used to rebalance and stimulate the body’s ability to heal when injury or disease impairs functioning. Both acupuncture and Chinese… Continue Reading

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