Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Try Testosterone For a Better Summer Body

Jim tried everything from increasing his time in the gym to virtually starving himself but his belly just seemed to get bigger. One day he… Continue Reading

Carlton Scroggins, MD

Have You Considered Butt Lift Surgery?

Butt lift surgery, a method of buttock augmentation, is a surgical procedure that is intended to provide patients with a more voluptuous and aesthetically pleasing… Continue Reading

Got Edge Control?

Across platforms on social media, millennials have rebirthed the priority of maintaining well-kept hairlines. This generation has kickstarted viral hashtags such as #edgesonfleek to the… Continue Reading

DIY Vaginal Steam vs. Spa Vaginal Steam

Often, vaginal steam practitioners are asked, “What is the difference between vaginal steaming at home versus going out and paying someone to administer a vaginal… Continue Reading

Headaches Big Business For Drug Companies

Approximately 10 million Americans suffer daily headaches, and 50 million have headaches often enough to seek medical care. Approximately 23 million Americans suffer from migraines…. Continue Reading

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs we've all heard of them but what are they really? Ingrown hairs, also known as razor-burn folliculitis, occur when repeated passes of a… Continue Reading

Precision Weight Loss Strategies

Are you always struggling to lose weight? Do you find yourself always dieting to lose weight yet regain every pound and more several months after… Continue Reading

A Real Magic Bullet Solution To Liability?

Virginia is a contributory negligence state, one of very few in the nation, which means that liability decisions can have devastating consequences. While comparative negligence… Continue Reading

Maintain Your Own Mental Health and Well-Being Nine Simple Things You Can Do

Here are nine simple, holistic ideas to maintain your mental health and well-being. 1. Keep Physically Active This is an obvious one but many people… Continue Reading

Can Hearing Aids Help Your Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a physical condition, experienced as noises or ringing in the ears or head when no such external physical noise is present. Tinnitus is… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130