Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Aquatics as an Alternative PT

Aquatic settings for physical therapy plans of care can provide benefits and options for patients that would otherwise have a low tolerance for physical therapy… Continue Reading

Stress Is the New Russian Roulette

Stress is one of the top triggers for most diseases and health conditions from tension headaches, to migraines, to chronic pain, high blood pressure, lymphedema,… Continue Reading

Reiki As a Complementary Medicine

Reiki is practiced in various hospitals by practitioners and doctors; taught by Reiki Master Teachers in various settings including colleges; and it is even advertised… Continue Reading

How Meditation and Tai Chi Went Mainstream

The embrace of meditation in America is being driven by vocal proponents, as well as medical research using a scientific evidence-based process that clearly shows… Continue Reading

Mental Health Awareness

This May will mark the 70th anniversary of Mental Health Awareness month. The campaign was originally designed as a way to educate the public and… Continue Reading

Neuropathy Sufferers: Technology Provides Hope

A chronic disease process most commonly seen in the feet or hands, more than 20 Million people in the United States suffer from peripheral neuropathy…. Continue Reading


Do you suffer from gout or know of someone who does?  Gout is a very common type of arthritis which causes joints to become excruciatingly… Continue Reading

Type 2 Diabetes: What It Is, What Causes It, and What To Do: Part Two

Part 2 Although Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) was thought to involve genetic components, it is a becoming clear that, if genes are involved, it is… Continue Reading

Lose Weight and Feel Great

Did you know that when you lose 10% of your body weight, you are instantly healthier? There’s no doubt that dropping weight will make you… Continue Reading

An Integrative Approach To Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a significant problem for millions of Americans that leads to significant decreases in not only work productivity, but also in the quality… Continue Reading

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