Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

New Year, New You? Ten Steps That Really Work

Got your New Year’s resolutions yet? New year, new you? *Cue the eye rolling* The biggest problem with plans for a new you? The old you…. Continue Reading

TAVR: A Revolution In the Treatment Of Aortic Stenosis

Aortic stenosis is a degenerative condition that develops as a result of scarring and calcium formation on the flaps of the aortic valve. When the… Continue Reading

New Year, New Smile, New You

When your teeth are broken, loose, or missing, it is time to consider full arch solutions to replace your teeth and restore your smile. Three… Continue Reading

Ultimate New Year’s Resolutions: 6 Keys To Making the Changes You Really Want

For most people, making New Year’s resolutions are a lot like wishing on a star. But, what if you learned the “6 Keys” to keeping… Continue Reading

Life Coaching: Ancillary Support For Providers

Life coaching supports recovery by advocating on behalf of the individual when the mental health and medical system is lacking or frustrating. Life coaching provides… Continue Reading

A New Year’s You: Dental Health Resolutions For 2020

Your dental health is an important part of your overall wellness, and the New Year is a great time to create resolutions for improving your… Continue Reading

Getting Inspired For the New Year

It is interesting how words can inspire us. Choosing a word to start your vision board may be a helpful way for you to start…. Continue Reading

Arthritis: Symptoms, Causes and Management

It is that time of year again. It’s cold outside and you are starting to feel aching pain and stiffness in your joints. As we… Continue Reading

My Doctor Has Requested My MRI Scan With Contrast: What Is It and Should I Be Concerned About Its Safety?

About one in three MRI scans are requested by a referring physician that includes injection of a contrast agent. Gadolinium contrast media are chemical substances… Continue Reading

Realistic Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

With the New Year upon us, many look at this as a time to start anew. Re-establish our health goals and possibly re-invent ourselves. Unfortunately,… Continue Reading

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