Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Improve Your Life With Massage Therapy

The history of massage dates back over 5000 years. Throughout history it has been one of the tools people use to relieve pain and prevent and… Continue Reading

The Value Of Difficulty and Hardship

Difficulty and hardship are not usually considered a good thing. But actually, one of the least known secrets of mental and emotional health is that… Continue Reading

What Does Holistic Health Really Mean?

One massage client was a young woman facing a systemic health issue. To resolve it, she already had taken steps to change her relationship with… Continue Reading

Make Time Your Friend

Time can either work for us or against us. When we have stresses and strains on our physical and emotional being, it takes its toll… Continue Reading

4 Tips To Navigate Through Grief and Loss

This year, grief has been a resounding theme with the emergence of COVID-19 and the immeasurable impact it has placed on many families. However, the… Continue Reading

Diet Tips To Reduce Inflammation

If you have a condition that ends with“-itis” then you have inflammation. Inflammation is one of the body’s natural ways of protecting itself as part… Continue Reading

4 Tips For Overcoming Social Anxiety

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rise in mental health concerns including an increase in social anxiety. Many adults and children without a history… Continue Reading

Herbalism In Action

When a health issue is mentioned an herbalist’s mind goes to what is the root cause? Herbalists track the patho-physiological way a disease manifests and… Continue Reading

Are You Stressed Out? Here’s a New Way To Find Relief

To help with life’s unexpected events there is a new option for relaxation and stress relief in Warrenton, VA. The first Blu Room on the… Continue Reading

Autoimmune Diseases and Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most dreaded conditions, and it affects a whopping 25% of women and 50% of men over the age of… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130